You will Learn

Buddhist meditation provides a scientific and practical psychology that informs and empowers practitioners along a path of profound introspection and self-transformation, all within the context of a busy lifestyle. This webinar is an opportunity for therapists to gain valuable insight into the nature of maladaptive states of mind and practical experience of traditional Buddhist meditation and mindfulness techniques. You'll also learn how these techniques can be systematically integrated into daily life to reduce and finally overcome negative emotions and habits. Through personal experience of these practices, therapists can develop and maintain a stable, positive mind and help others do the same.

  • Gain pivotal insights from the Buddhist meditative tradition about (a) the nature and levels of consciousness, (b) the subtle, underlying causes of fear, anxiety, self-sabotage and other distressing habits and states of mind, and (c) how Buddhist meditation and mindfulness provide practical, scientific methods to recognize, reduce, and finally remove the underlying causes of mental distress and negative habits.

  • Gain experience of meditations and mindfulness techniques that can be integrated into daily life to make step-by-step progress toward adaptive habits and states of mind, even in the midst of uncertainty and adversity.

  • Develop strategic methods to assist others wishing to adopt healthy habits in their own life.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    From Chaos to Calm

    • Welcome to your CEU Webinar: From Chaos to Calm

    • Video Presentation - From Chaos to Calm

    • Quiz: From Chaos to Calm

    • Course Review Survey


Buddhist monk

Gen Kelsang Zamling

Gen Kelsang Zamling is an ordained Buddhist monk with over 20 years of experience studying, practicing and teaching Buddhist meditation and way of life. Prior to being appointed Resident Meditation Teacher at Kadampa Meditation Center Chicago in 2018, Gen Zamling held similar positions in Indianapolis, and Glasgow, Scotland. He has considerable experience teaching both complete beginners and advanced students, and delights in the opportunity to introduce newcomers to the immediate benefits of meditation in a variety of educational and professional outreach settings. Gen Zamling is well-loved by his students, and sets an immaculate example of someone who has taken Buddha's teachings to heart. Most of all, he is known for his practical approach, warmth, and clarity.