You will Learn

It is not uncommon for victims of domestic violence to seek therapy for the mental health impacts of the abuse. However, they may not recognize their circumstances as abusive. This presentation will address common signs in a non-disclosing client and safety considerations therapists need to keep in mind to assist a victim of domestic violence.

  • Participants will be able to recognize when a client is describing abusive behaviors.

  • Participants will learn the right tools to help address domestic violence with a client.

  • Participants will learn about safety planning and lethality assessment tips when working with domestic violence victims.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Safety Considerations when Working with Victims of Domestic Violence (Recorded)

    • Welcome to your CEU Webinar

    • Recorded: Safety Considerations when Working with Victims of Domestic Violence

    • Presentation Slides

    • Quiz

    • Course Review Survey



Jennifer Gabreyna

Jennifer Gabrenya is the CEO at Anew: Building Beyond Violence and Abuse, a 43-year-old domestic violence prevention and intervention agency. Jennifer has worked in the area of violence against women and children her entire adult life. She is also a child survivor of domestic violence, an experience she draws on often when considering program design and policy implications. She has previously held leadership roles in community, regional and state level organizations addressing interpersonal violence and abuse. Jennifer holds expertise in children's exposure to abuse, trauma-informed care and non-profit leadership. She has been teaching about domestic violence for her entire 27-year career. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the Illinois Coalition Against Domestic Violence and the Nature Foundation of Will County. Jennifer is a Certified Domestic Violence Professional and holds a BA in Women’s Studies and an MS in Public Service, both from DePaul University. When Jennifer is not at work you can find her on a and taking photos of the wonders in nature.