You will Learn

Polysecure, the premise of having secure attachment with the self and others, is a growing idea emerging in attachment research. While once thought to be exclusively monogamous, recent data suggests new attachment patterns and connections in varying relationships, including consensual non-monogamy. By identifying attachment patterns and how it influences the broader relational system, we begin to illuminate our capacity for trust in multiple relationships and challenge the idea that there is “one true way” of creating attachment with partners. Through the HEARTS method of approaching secure attachment, one can begin to learn how to support and guide clients who are consensually non-monogamous to obtaining and maintaining multiple secure relationships.

  • Identify the four types of attachment and how it presents in adults

  • Explain consensual non-monogamy as it applies to practice

  • Identify ways to help guide clients to secure attachment in multiple relationships

Course curriculum

  • 1

    What is Polyamory

    • Welcome to your CEU Webinar

    • Video Presentation - What is Polyamory

    • Copy of Presentation Slides

    • Quiz: What is Polyamory

    • Course Review Survey


PsyD. at The Juniper Center

Mo Deslandes

Dr. Mo Deslandes (they/them) graduated from the Illinois School of Professional Psychology and is currently a postdoctoral fellow with The Juniper Center. Over their career, Mo has worked in a variety of areas, including complex trauma, severe mental health, and behavioral issues. They have focused their practice on sitting with clients and understanding the client’s truth and perspective, using sessions to help explore clients’ inner selves through processing and being allowed a positive space to best understand a client’s needs. By creating a positive space which feels comfortable, Mo works with clients to find what is most helpful and rewarding in sessions and allows the clients to guide their therapy journey in a manner that fits best. I believe all people have the ability to flourish and achieve growth if only given the space and support they need. I enjoy working with others to build the space they need in order to live a life congruent with their goals and positively impacting themselves. My areas of specialty include: LGBTQIA+; Trauma recovery; Anxiety and coping skills; Emerging adults and concerns; Eating disorder recovery; behavioral issues and recovery; Severe mental illness; Poly and kink knowledgeable therapy